 - Image: 808 State

808 State

Manchester-based electro-techno and acid-house band formed in the late 80s during the rave explosion.

Members have included Graham Massey, Andrew Barker and Darren Partington. Previously Martin Price and A Guy Called Gerald were part of the line-up - Price formed the band Switzerland, Gerald went solo with the massive "Voodoo Ray" and jungle.

Key 808 tunes include the land-mark "Pacific State", plus "Cubik", "Olympic", "Lift" and "Lopez" as well as the albums "Quadrastate" and "808:90". They also hooked up with MC Tunes for two chart-hits in "The Only Rhyme That Bites" and "Tune Splits The Atom".

They released their debut album, "Newbuild" in 1988, followed by: "90" (1989), "ex:el" (1991), "Gorgeous" (1993), "Don Solaris" (1996), "Outpost Transmission" (2002), plus 2019's: "Transmission Suite".

Massey has also appeared regularly in the avant-funk outfit Biting Tongues and drummed for Sistors Of Transistors.

Andrew Barker sadly passed away in 2021.

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