Cannibal Corpse

Cannibal Corpse

American death-metal band formed in 1988.

Key members include: George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher - lead vocals, Patrick O'Brien - lead guitar, Rob Barrett - rhythm guitar, Alex Webster - bass guitar and Paul Mazurkiewicz - drums.

They released their debut album, "Eaten Back to Life" in 1990, followed by: "Butchered at Birth" (1991), "Tomb of the Mutilated" (1992), "The Bleeding" (1994), "Vile" (1996), "Gallery of Suicide" (1998), "Bloodthirst" (1999), "Gore Obsessed" (2002), "The Wretched Spawn" (2004), "Kill" (2006), "Evisceration Plague" (2009), "Torture" (2012), "A Skeletal Domain" (2014), "Red Before Black" (2017), plus 2021's: "Violence Unimagined".

Their stage act has courted controversy in a few countries, banning them for the heavy-reliance on blood and gore, as well as the imagery on their album covers.

They make Slayer seem like Westlife - just check out their song titles: "Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's ****", "Meat Hook Sodomy", "Born In A Casket" and "Five Nails Through The Neck".

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