The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican

The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican

Saturday 7th Dec 2024

location_city Shire Hall, East Riding of Yorkshire


The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican

"Hailing from Barnsley Rock City in t'North, The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican are on a mission! Determined to follow in their spiritual father's immortal footsteps and keep his legacy alive, they have a talent for Bar-Stewardizing other famous people's songs with new comedy lyrics, on acoustic geetar, ukulele, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, accordion, keyboard and kazoo. To complete their squeaky-clean image, estranged brothers Scott, Björn and Alan have become instantly recognisable for their immaculate hair and their stylish choice of knitwear."

Shire Hall

11 Market Place
East Riding of Yorkshire
DN14 7BJ


01430 431535