

"Amidst the heat of a Neapolitan spring, Filumena Marturano lies on her deathbed, waiting to marry the man who has kept her as his mistress for twenty-five years. No sooner than Filumena and Domenico are wed, she makes a miraculous recovery, much to the surprise of her new, unwilling husband and his younger lover! Filumena holds on to a secret from her past life in the brothels of Naples, revealing one of her three grown-up sons is Domenico's. But which one? Will he accept all three?!

Eduardo De Filippo's classic Italian comedy sparkles with optimism, affection, and a fierce determination for family, no matter what it takes."

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Richmond Theatre
Richmond upon Thames
Richmond Theatre
Richmond upon Thames
Richmond Theatre
Richmond upon Thames
Richmond Theatre
Richmond upon Thames
Richmond Theatre
Richmond upon Thames