
Bosom Buddies [Jack Klaff]

"Jack Klaff is a South African-born actor, writer and director whose most notable roles was as James Bond henchman Apostis in the 1981 film For Your Eyes Only.

Straight from Edinburgh and following the success of Gandhi's Sandals (May 2011) Jack Klaff brings his full show Bosom Buddies which is about 'The greatest male friendships of recent history ... breathtaking physically and vocally' (Scotsman). Klaff plays Einstein, Bohr, General Smuts, Gandhi, Hitler, Stalin, Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Freud, Jung, Einstein's daughter, Ottoline Morrell, Jackie Onassis, Margarete Buber-Neumann and the psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein."

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