
Naked Truth - Lotte Mullan battles music and fashion industry

Posted: 12 years ago

Tuesday 16th August 2011, Lotte Mullan announced that she will release her debut single 'I'm Alright With Me' on 3rd October 2011, on her own label funded by the advance from her movie and book deal. The single, 'I'm Alright With Me' was written by Lotte on behalf of all her friends and family members who have been told they are too fat or too thin and have had their confidence knocked. It will be backed by a national poster campaign, designed by Lotte, featuring the song's lyrics on eight bare bottoms.

The former Warner Bros work experience girl stripped naked along with seven other women of all shapes and sizes to demonstrate that you don't have to be size zero to be considered beautiful.

Lotte explained, "I love that I can use the advance from the movie deal to make the statement I always wanted to with this song. I get so annoyed that if you are above size 12 you are considered a plus size, but the average UK woman is size 16. The image of the, let's face it, airbrushed body beautiful that we are bombarded with daily is just not realistic and we need to feel good about what we are."

"By releasing the single on my own label, I will be able to do something different than the usual photos that are artificially perfected, after all I'm a musician, not a model. Showing your butt is one of the oldest protests in the world and I just want everyone to tell their girlfriend, sister, mother or best friend just how beautiful they are as themselves."

Disenchanted by work experience with major record labels, she has declined all offers from them (generated by the interest in her film and book deal in addition to a string of rave reviews) opting instead to run her own label, Raindog Records.

The campaign will target London Fashion Week in September ahead of the release of the single 'I'm Alright With Me'.